Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Watching Porn

I like to look at porn. That might sound weird. I know it's usually a guy thing, but I like to look at it late at night when I'm up drinking or indulging in some smokey refreshment. Especially when I'm stoned. What can I say? Pot makes me horny.

But I hate porn that's fake, which most of it is. You know... where they get the fashion model wannabes and the cheesy music, and it's all scripted. I imagine that on some level, they probably are enjoying the sex once they get past the storyline-du-jour, but I can't get past the fakeness of it all. ("Oh no. My sink's backed up. What shall I do? Ooh! Here comes the plumber! But I'm flat broke. However will I pay him? Blah blah blah...)

The porn I like best is either totally amateur stuff, or so-called "reality porn," where guys go out with cameras and find girls to have sex with them. I've read that a lot of that is scripted, but if it is, they are getting way better actresses than the mainstream stuff because it doesn't usually seem fake at all.

I like watching real people have sex though. I admire them for having the guts to video themselves, and I wonder how many of them knew when they were doing it that the videos would end up online. I see a lot of girls masturbating on webcams, and I don't think they ever intended for it to be seen by anyone other than the guy they were chatting with. (Word of warning! That's why I don't put my picture online!) But recently I saw a video where a couple was fucking in front of a webcam, and they knew people were watching them. Again, I don't know if they wanted the whole world to see them or just a few select viewers, but it was really hot.

I also like watching porn because I see girls play out fantasies that I would LOVE to try but don't think I will ever get the chance to. I guess I live vicariously through them. Things like threesomes or anal (which one man tried to do to me once but it hurt like hell). I like the slutty clothes they wear and I wish they had the guts to walk down the street looking like that!

So yeah, I suppose I get a little jealous of some of the stuff I see when I watch porn online but it gets me hot, and it's a fun way to supplement my fantasies... usually late at night... when the world is sleeping... and I can rub myself in the dark anonymity of my bedroom, lit only by my flickering computer screen.